Amazon Repricer Buyers’ Guide: SmartRepricer vs. BQool

Back in 2011, BQool launched with a suite of tools aimed at assisting Amazon sellers. Within its first few years, it launched its well-known Repricer Central, an automated, rules-based integration that gave its users a pricing edge over competitors. These days, just having a repricer is a baseline requirement—your edge comes from which tool you decide to use. 

Older tools like BQool have a longer history, but that’s not always an advantage in the tech world, where everything changes so rapidly. Newer solutions released in the AI era set new standards that left the old guard playing catch-up. SmartRepricer belongs to this new breed of seller tool that has AI built into its DNA. 

To answer the call, BQool added AI “augmentations” to its Repricer Central tool in 2021, and they’ve continued to develop and refine them over the years. Now that it’s on a level playing field with tools like SmartRepricer, we thought we should compare the two solutions and see how they stack up against each other.

Comparing Repricer Features

If you were to look at the websites and reviews of SmartRepricer and BQool, you'd see that they have a lot in common. Both offer automated repricing of items in your Amazon store. Both allow you to set up a rules-based approach that allows you to create actions based on triggers, and both have AI capabilities to add some nuance beyond simple boolean IF/THEN statements. Both have very good ratings and reviews, and their pricing is so similar you’d be hard pressed to make a decision based on that alone. To really figure out which one is the right choice, we’ll go break down the ways in which they’re different.


As we noted, the pricing for each of these solutions are pretty comparable. Similar plans at the low end of the range are $49/mo for SmartRepricer’s Lite plan, while BQool’s AI Deluxe plan is $50/mo. (Don’t let the difference in the names fool you: these plans are very similar in what they offer.) At the top end of things, SMR’s High Level subscription goes for $299/mo, versus BQool’s AI Enterprise for $300/mo.

BQool also has an even smaller plan that should appeal to people who are just getting started with Amazon. The Basic subscription is $25/mo for a limited number of listings and access to only the rules-based repricer (no AI in this plan). Additionally, they offer a 10% discount across all plans if you pay for a full year up front. 

Despite not having a more basic starter plan and offering no annual discount, SmartRepricer offers a wider range of options with its six different subscription levels, allowing for more flexibility. And, as the price goes higher, SmartRepricer offers sizably higher limits on things like the number of listings and use of AI.

Winner: SmartRepricer

Amazon Marketplace Availability

When Amazon announced in May of 2024 that it launched a new marketplace in South Africa, it became the first one in sub-Saharan Africa, and its 22nd overall. There’s no rule that says you have to sell in all of them, but it stands to reason that the more marketplaces you’re in, the more opportunities you have to sell your items. 

BQool supports 10 of those 22 marketplaces—the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Japan. Access to each is “sold separately” (except for the five European marketplaces, which are counted as one). What this means is that your plan covers one marketplace of your choosing. If you’re subscribed to BQool’s AI Enterprise plan and selling in the States, that’s $300/mo. If you want to sell in Canada, too, that’s a whole new plan and another $300/mo. 

SmartRepricer, on the the other hand, can connect to 21 out of the 22 marketplaces (South Africa is still very new, but coming soon). And there are no limitations on how many you can connect to, regardless of which plan you’re on. 

Winner: SmartRepricer

Number of Listings

One of the biggest differentiators between SmartRepricer and BQool is the number of listings you can manage with the software. As the level of your subscription tier gets higher, so does the maximum number of listings. The easiest way to see the breakdown is to see them side by side in a table:

Note that BQool’s Basic plan is named that for a reason: you’re getting in at a lower price point, but with limited features. From the second detail row on, both companies are offering their full solution with varying degrees of limits. You can see that things start out pretty much identically with SMR’s Lite vs BQool’s AI Deluxe, but before long, there’s a clear divergence. 

Over the next three levels of service, both of these companies apply very similar (if not identical) ceilings on the number of listings—but the pricing shows a dramatic difference. To manage 50,000 listings on BQool costs 3X more than with SMR. Meanwhile, with SmartRepricer, that same $300 gets you 100,000 more listings and a dollar in change. 

Winner: SmartRepricer

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

BQool’s listing limits actually get a little stricter than what we’ve listed above. This is because there’s also a separate limit for listings that can use the platform’s new AI features. The maximums we listed in the previous section are for rules-based repricing mechanisms only. If you want AI to handle the pricing, the ceiling is in addition to what we’ve already covered:

  • Basic —
  • AI Deluxe — 10
  • AI Premium — 1,000
  • AI Ultimate — 6,000
  • AI Enterprise — 15,000

So, if you have the Enterprise plan, you can use rules-based repricing for up to 50,000 listings and AI-based repricing for an additional 15,000. 

SmartRepricer doesn’t have any limits on AI or separation between the AI and rules. Rules are applied to the AI-based repricing algorithm that powers the software and makes its decisions. It’s a complex combination of the two, not an either/or situation. To put it simply, the AI can add nuance where the binary nature of rules and event triggers cannot—and the machine learning makes it possible for these rules to become more effective over time.

Winner: SmartRepricer

Conditional AI Repricing

This feature is actually unique to BQool. Essentially, it’s a way to use rules to switch between different AI pricing strategies based on—you guessed it—various conditions. The AI repricing feature has five different strategies that define how the algorithm approaches the task: do you want to maximize profit? Maximize sales? Strike a balance between the two? You can choose from these three (and two other strategies) when within the AI repricing section. 

In the Conditional Repricing module, you can create rules to automate switching between any number of strategies. By defining thresholds of things like the sell-through rate or your inventory age, for example, BQool automates switching between the different AI strategies. Creating a Conditional Repricing rule counts toward your AI limit.

SmartRepricer also has different predefined strategies, but there’s no way to automatically switch between them.

Winner: BQool

User Limits

For larger teams, the ability to create different users to access shared software is very important. It prevents people from interfering with one another’s work while also providing an audit trail to know who was responsible for what action. BQool offers an increasing number of user accounts as you go up their subscription levels. Basic gets you two users and the AI Deluxe plan (equivalent to SMR’s Lite service tier) sets the limit at up to 5. This increases by 5 users each step up in service you take, maxing out at 20 for the Enterprise plan.

SmartRepricer doesn’t impose any limits on users, regardless of which tier you’re subscribed to. 

Winner: SmartRepricer

Repricing Frequency

For BQool’s Basic and AI Deluxe plans, the repricer updates your listings every 15 minutes, which is the same frequency as Amazon’s own tool. This isn’t as fast as Amazon allows, though—that’s every two minutes, and BQool’s three top-level subscriptions update that fast. SmartRepricer updates every five minutes, and both solutions’ updates happen in real time once they’re sent.

Winner: BQool


Each solution offers two integrations to complementary software. SmartRepricer connects with SellerRunning and InventoryLab—the former is a cross-border dropshipping solution for FBM sellers, while the latter is one of the most popular inventory management tools for FBA sellers. BQool also integrates with InventoryLab, as well as a seller analytics platform called Seller Amp. SellerRunning and Seller Amp are both useful applications with different, but equally valuable, benefits. 

InventoryLab is the more important of the two integrations, though—if you’re using it, that’s where the most up-to-date costs for your inventory are going to come from. It takes costs into account from the moment the shipping label is created to send products to Amazon and follows those products all the way out the door on the way to the customer. These costs are going to fluctuate, and IL keeps track of every item that’s yours and knows exactly how much you paid for it. 

Especially if you’re running a repricer to maximize your profit, it’s incredibly important that it has access to real-time information about costs. With InventoryLab connected to BQool, that information is updated every 6 hours. With SmartRepricer, cost updates happen every 90 seconds. 

Winner: SmartRepricer


Choosing between BQool and SmartRepricer is, at first glance, tough to do. While both are strong solutions with a lot in common, it’s in their differences that we see a clear winner emerge. BQool offers a budget-friendly entry point with its Basic plan and a unique conditional AI repricing feature that allows you to automate switching between pricing strategies based on various conditions. However, BQool's limitations become apparent as your business grows. Marketplace coverage is restricted even at higher tiers, and listing limits can become a bottleneck.

On the other hand, SmartRepricer shines with its well-rounded feature set designed for scalability. It boasts wider marketplace support, allowing you to sell on more Amazon platforms without additional fees. SmartRepricer also handles significantly higher listing capacities, making it ideal for businesses with a growing inventory. The seamless integration of AI into its repricing algorithm offers a more nuanced approach, and you can manage unlimited user accounts for your team. While BQool's conditional repricing is an intriguing feature, SmartRepricer's focus on real-time data, scalability, and its comprehensive feature set make it a much more solid choice for most Amazon sellers.